Last Thursday evening was the final "Hot Summer Nights" car show in Danville for the year. I was set up in front of Mountain Mike's Pizza, playing good-time rock and roll music from the 1950s and 1960s. Since the cars/owners were all registering just north of where I was (at the high school), I got to see each entry as they paraded down the street in front of me. Lots of "thumbs up" and positive feedback from the drivers as they passed!
The general public crowds really started to swell a couple hours into the afternoon/evening, and stayed busy right up to the end. There were alot of short songs during that era, and I think I nearly got through my entire 100-150 songs during the 5 hours I was there! Of course, I played a bunch of Elvis, Beatles and Beach Boys, but also most of the other tip-top best of upbeat oldies hits that just don't get heard much anymore.
Several passersby took my business card; one gentleman said that this was the first year that he's heard the "right" music at this event. That simply validates what I've been saying myself: When the music matters...The RIGHT music for ANY occasion...
Contact me to reserve the date for your fall and winter events now!
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